23 Dec 2010

Bristol Alone, Day 1

I've left behind my friggin camera cable. Again. So, here's some music instead, I think you'll like this one.

Lilith, people addict, is now 6 hours into a living alone experiment. So far, it's been okay, considering I've never ever attempted it before and the mere thought of it once terrified me. But I have spent far too much time on the computer...


Louise Hoskins said...

knit, sing, dance, laugh, cry, have hot lllaaaazzzyyyyy baths, paint, write, darn your grey cardi, read ulysses, read the hungry caterpillar, be a caterpillar, be Liz in all your wonderous glory. xxx

LilithPixified said...

Thank you beautiful, I need to stick that on my fridge to remind me!! xx