10 Jun 2010

On the road again...

...via Edinburgh, yeeeeaah!

I'm becoming less of a music nazi as the years pass, allowing an eclectic taste to develop as I get older. Yesterday in the polytunnel I listened to two Snow Patrol albums, twice. Just because they're so damn good to sing along to.

I searched them out on my ipod because this song has been on my mind for days and I keep entering shops where it's playing, although it's fairly old. (Warning - it's a slightly rubbish video!)

So I'm allowing, erm,  emo-romantic-indy-pop (?) to soften tight places in my heart...

 ' To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight... and never stop fighting'
- E.E. Cummings (thank you Peta)


Simon Hodges said...

Always had a hidden respect for snow patrol. The lead singer gary lightbody ---actually called lightbody - - -- - is an outstanding songwriter. Best stuff is as frontman of the Reindeer scetion who released two albums based on a couple of boozy weekends with the finest musicians in scotland

cannae recommend it enough

LilithPixified said...

Nice, thank you! I'll look it up :)