19 Sept 2009

burn my shadow

an image I'm not gonna miss... thanks Auckland, it's been a blast.

Seriously though, there are people I will miss who I've been super blessed to have around. Richard for listening and making me laugh, Louise and Josca for being amazing and patient and feeding me when I wouldn't feed myself, Gilly and Anna for pep talks and coffee dates, my other flatmates and cats for just being around and looking good! Rhonda at work for dealing with my two month 'absence' and Gus for letting me rant. My mum as always but even more so than usual. And Sam for reminding me that men like you do exist!, and choosing to spend those days with me and helping me move on.

This is thoughtless and hurried but my battery is dying... I love you all xoxo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad that all our combined efforts have been so successful sweet. We all love you and thats why we care. Mum