24 Sept 2009

on being a lady of leisure

i just liked this. it's so andy. (it's in our bathroom.)

a few completely non-soap-related ponderings about things I've learned, which you may not have time to listen to... but I have the leisure of time to write, and I intend to make the most of it my dears.

first of all, that it really is okay to allow yourself pure laziness now and then... so long as you're truly enjoying the experience of it, not inconveniencing anyone else, and most importantly refraining from beating yourself up with 'shoulds' for not being out there doing Important Stuff - I guarantee it won't last forever.

likewise, it's okay if 'in your own time' is a pretty damn slow time. being gentle on yourself gives you the space to take the steps necessary to grow, without remembering it as a negative and stressful experience.

third, bicycles are truly wondrous and beautiful things that make the streets look graceful and safer than they ultimately are. with the bonus of guaranteed exercise. if you live in a flat city - get on one now! it's the closest we get to flying on a daily basis.

and preferably, or if you can at all help it, never take the advice of a girl who's had a rather large bottle of banana-bread beer on a sunny day at 5.2% alcohol volume.

today was international hug-a-vegetarian day. i got some hugs from vegetarians, and gave some hugs as a vegetarian. i tried to hug this guy, but had a pretty epic fail. i'm sure he appreciated the gesture.

i was thinking today, of some words / actions that always make me laugh when i'm feeling down:

sparrows having dirt baths (thanks anna!)
a toddler's expression as he breaks for freedom from his mum and dad and does that crazy when-will-he-topple type run
boggle-eyed anything - fish, cats, pugs...
engrish! it's foolproof i swear!
yogalates  - ahahahahaha....
wagging - not like being a footballer's wife or skipping school, more like a dog... try it! when you're taking life far too seriously - wiggle your hips back and forth on either side, stick your tongue out, grin... well it helps me anyway.

cliched phrases spoken in melodramatic earnest, such as "my head and my heart got together and had a meeting - and i wasn't invited". (hah - that was naughty. but i'm laughing, and that's the main thing right now). that one just kills me every damn time... and reminds me why i'm here, doing what i'm doing, real-proper-no-bollocks solo - to realise more about who i am, and why i am.

and to drink banana beer.

that is all for now.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

dust baths! so glad they make you happy too xxx