29 Sept 2009

music, baking and coffee withdrawal

No posts this week, mostly because I've been doing pretty close to nothing. It's been great. I feel like the last four months have been so dark, changing, crazy - now my brain and body just want to sit and soak in the silence I find here during the days.

My flute taught me an important lesson today (or perhaps an inner guide deserves some credit here)...

I was tooting along learning my notes this afternoon, getting especially stuck on D which constantly and dramatically changes pitch depending on how I am holding the flute and my lips.
As I was becoming frustrated, I suddenly realised that I needed to take joy in the baby steps rather than just focusing on becoming an expert and mastering the instrument at some point in the future. This may sound commonsense to some people but I always seem to forget to have fun along the way.
So I closed my eyes, changed my perspective and could suddenly feel the smooth keys clicking under my fingers, and the vibration that runs through my hands as the notes are played and my breath runs through it. I felt the angle of my head and arms, even the sound in my heart. It changed the entire experience and I felt absorbed in the moment.

It's now been two days without coffee after a sudden decision to quit... and I am one grumpy headachey lass. I've been drinking genmai cha instead - green tea with roasted brown rice. It's not quite the same!

On a food note, this is possibly the best bread recipe I've ever tried - it's so simple yet the fresh yeast turns it into an artisan loaf. I highly recommend giving it a go! For full effect, after rising and knocking back, roll out the dough and then fold it over itself in thirds. press down each end and fold it under. Then wipe with salt water and sprinkle with flour.

And lastly, here's an obligatory London photo... More bike porn to follow.

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